Can we still get a video during lockdown?

7 Jan 2021 How to

Yes, you can! In this blog we’ll explain the benefits of getting your video project started now, what options are available, and how it can be done safely. 

Going through lockdown number 3 is exhausting. But if we’ve learned anything from 2020, it’s that battening down the hatches and waiting for this to all blow over does NOT work.

The only way to get through this is to continue to connect with your audience, build your relationships, show leadership and compassion and offer huge amounts of value in the process.

To answer the original question…. yes, you can get a video during lockdown – and more importantly, you absolutely should be getting your videos done right now!

5 reasons why you should be making a video right now

1. More than ever, your target audience will be online consuming digital content. What better time to have a good presence to reach them with?

2. Whilst your competition might be retreating or slowing down, now is the optimal time to take advatange of that, be aggressive and increase your market share.

3. Things have changed – a video can quickly and effectively communicate answers to all of the NEW questions your prospects will have.

4. You can easily repurpose video into a plethora of different content (blogs, graphics, social media snippets, Gifs and even podcasts). This gives you huge leverage and scope with your content marketing.

5. Video REALLY works. 89% of marketers reported amazing returns on their investment in video in 2020 [source].

What videos can I get done during lockdown?

We can, and are, still filming all live action content here’s how!

As well as live action, we’re also still able to safely film the below types of video:

1. Animated explainers

Animated explainers are one of the most popular and successful forms of video right now.

We can work with you to create an animated explainer that acts like a 24/7 digital sales person. The use of visuals mixed with a tight script means you can effectively communicate your value, build trust and convert leads into paying customers.

We’ve seen this strategy have phenomenal results recently; one of our clients doubled their sales in just 1 week after using the animation we created for them.

Here are some examples:

2. Educational content filmed online

Educational content is extremely popular. It’s no secret that teaching your prospects something new has the benefit of increasing trust and boosting your authority, and is ideal for attracting and nurturing leads.

We can use a range of online recording tools to create professional and slick recorded seminars and presentations – we can then splice this into shorter social media snippets to increase brand awareness through a series of this shorter insight videos. 

Here are some example screenshots – we’re not allowed to share the full versions with you as it’s paid content!

3. Online Testimonials

Online testimonials are a great way of promoting your business through the power of social proof.

What we have found to be most effective is interviewing the business owner as well as the clients, as this allows you to provide an insight into each project. This adds personality, educates the audience, humanises the brand, builds trust and helps the video to feel like a well-rounded piece.

4. Product Films

We have a small green screen studio which is ideal for shooting high quality product videos on. Our office space is big enough for you come in and remain socially distant from our camera operator (the only other person in the studio) while we shoot your product.

Alternatively, we can livestream the shoot to you, so you can see exactly what the shots look like from the comfort and safety of your home.

5. User-Generated Content

  User-generated content is exactly what it sounds like; we create a brief for your ‘user’ (typically your clients) and get them shoot their own footage. Then we curate, direct and produce this footage into a beautiful narrative. This is a brilliant strategy that oozes authenticity. This form of genuine content always a great way to engage customers, and the end result is a highly likeable and shareable piece of content, championing your most important assets… your customers!

The results

Don’t just take our word for it – here’s what our clients say about their recent Life Media UK videos:

Next steps

If we’ve convinced your that video is the best way to cruise out of lockdown, get a quick video project quote today, or book a call to talk through your ideas with us.