Case study videos

Elevate your brand’s story with video case studies.

How video case studies can transform your marketing

Video case studies are a tool that can significantly enhance your marketing strategy. These visual narratives showcase real-life examples of how your products or services have successfully solved customer challenges, providing prospective clients with relatable and compelling evidence of your capabilities.

A well-crafted case study video not only illustrates the practical application of your offering but also highlights its effectiveness in a storytelling format that engages and persuades your audience. The authenticity and detailed account provided in video case studies allow viewers to see the direct impact of your solutions, making the benefits tangible and the results undeniable.

These videos serve as powerful testimonials that build trust and credibility, as they feature actual clients and real results. They can be used across various platforms—your website, social media, and sales meetings—to reinforce your marketing message and showcase your success.
By effectively using video case studies, you’re not just telling potential customers what you can do; you’re showing them what you’ve already accomplished, thereby setting the stage for future engagements.

Some of our best case study videos…

glide giving testimonial


Case study video

We positioned our client as the hero of the hour, as they overcome challenges in this compelling case study



Case study video

We take viewers behind-the-scenes of Morrisons HR department in this learning platform case study

student giving testimonial in video

The Student Hotel

Case study video

Social proof was the star of the show with this promo, featuring international students living in a new country

Qualities of the best case study videos

The most effective case study videos excel due to their compelling storytelling, high-quality cinematography, and clear integration of client objectives. Here’s how these elements come together to create impactful videos:


The backbone of any case study video is its story. This should be structured around a clear narrative arc—introducing the client’s initial challenge, the applied solution, and the successful outcomes. Effective storytelling engages the viewer emotionally, making the case study relatable and memorable by focusing on human experiences and real results.


Visual storytelling is as important as narrative structure. The best case study videos use professional-quality cinematography that not only looks polished but also creatively reflects the mood of the story. This includes the use of dynamic shots, thoughtful compositions, and lighting that enhances the overall feel of the video. Good cinematography should underscore the message, not distract from it.

Integration of client objectives

A successful case study video must align closely with the client’s strategic goals. From the outset, the video should be designed to address specific objectives, whether that’s highlighting a product’s unique feature, demonstrating service efficiency, or improving brand perception. This strategic alignment ensures that the video effectively contributes to the client’s broader marketing efforts.

Looking for something else?

Here’s what we could create together…

model on a beach with a fluffy dog

Adverts & promo videos

This hero content works hard across TV, your website and paid media.

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filming a construction worker

Social media videos

Fill your feed with consistently compelling content, turning likes into leads.

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dan on a shoot

Internal comms videos

Lively internal comms videos that train, attract and inform employees.

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a crumpet with animated features


Let your imagination run wild with our animated explainers, process and promo videos.

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filming in india

Event films

Whether you’re hosting an event online, offline or somewhere in between, we’ve got it covered.

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“Life Media were quick and responsive, understanding what we asked of them immediately and proactively helping us get the most out of our video content.

They are always quick to help, challenge and focus on solutions and best practice, so we’d recommend them highly.”

Toby Brown