In this blog, we’ll share 3 reasons why video is the key to creating internal comms that inspire, motivate, resonate and get remembered.
When you have an important message to deliver, video is the way.
It’s not good enough to be right. You must also be effective. For me, that really sums up internal comms. You put your hard work into crafting a beautiful message, only for it to be ignored, or poorly received. Not through any fault of your own, but because life and work is demanding, and internal comms can get lost in the overall digital deluge that most employees face.
We’ve worked with companies like ITV, Reassured and Howden to produce internal communication content that truly resonates with their employees.
Here’s three reasons why these campaigns were so successful:
1) Video makes life easier
Video really can make the message easy to understand, comprehend and to deliver! The amount of information you can convey in a video is huge when compared to written copy or graphics. So as a marketer, using video makes it a lot easier to deliver lots of information, safe in the knowledge that you’re much more likely to retain attention.
Plus, using a video can make it easier for the audience, because ultimately it requires less effort on their part. Instead of reading internal comms copy, which can feel a bit laborious, watching a video is a relatively passive way of learning. By reducing the effort needed to digest the information, you’ll increase the likelihood of the audience listening and retaining the information.
2) Video breaks the mold
We all have the ability to ignore external stimuli (consciously and unconsciously!) if we believe we already know what it is. Examples include everything from the feeling of the chair beneath your legs, through to your partner constantly telling you to not leave the towel around the house (just me? ok).
Unfortunately, this can happen with internal communications as well. If the messaging is too uniform and too routine, it can fade away into the ether of other 1000s of messages we receive that day.
Using a video interspersed within your internal communications messaging means your comms stays fresh and exciting, and by breaking the pattern every now and then you’re more likely drive home the most important messages… because people are actually paying attention.
3) Video adds a human touch
The final point is something that only video can really do; it can humanise the message. A lot of the reason why some internal communications can fall flat is because the audience fails to link the message with the people behind the message. It is so much more powerful to see the CEO, Head of HR, CFO or another real team member deliver a message – because suddenly, there’s more weight to it.
Additionally, if the news is emotional (i.e. good news or bad news), having a human and personal touch can make all the difference. You wouldn’t break up with someone over text, and you probably wouldn’t inform your partner about your pregnancy via email! So use video to humanise and personalise the important messages to ensure your staff stay connected, feel like part of a real team, remember the message and are inspired to take action if needed.
Here are some examples of internal communications videos which we’ve created recently:

Find out more about our internal comms video production service here.
If you want to explore what’s possible for your organisation and you’re ready to take your internal communications to the next level, book a call in today.