Learning & resources

Welcome to our hub of video marketing knowledge – from strategic ideas to editing tips, we’ve got you covered.

Video Marketing Webinars

Fancy swotting up on all things video? Check out our webinars and training events to help get your skills up to scratch

video strategy tips

Video Marketing in 2022

Pre-recorded webinar

We take a look into our crystal ball, and predict the top video marketing trends for 2022 to include in your annual strategy.

hubspot & vidyard tips

Convert more leads

Pre-recorded webinar

Lead by Vidyard-certified video marketing expert Sunjay Singh and Hubspot-certified marketing specialist Josh Baldwin, we give you practical and actionable ways to boost your sales funnel with the newest techniques.

selling with video

Selling with Video: Masterclass

Pre-recorded webinar

Sure, you’ve got a nice video – but is it driving sales? We take you through some smart new ways to sell via video, with actionable tips to fill your funnel with brand new leads.

how to market with video

The fundamentals of video marketing

Pre-recorded webinar

We walk you through the key principles of video marketing, along with step-by-step tips to create your very own video, generate leads, and get started today.

create your own marketing video

The first steps to creating marketing videos

Pre-recorded webinar

Overwhelmed by where to start when creating video content? In this webinar, we’ll walk you through the first three things you need to do to get cracking.

your video qs answered

Video marketing Q&A

Pre-recorded webinar

Our Director Sunjay answers your burning video marketing questions in this interactive webinar, covering everything from equipment and lighting to editing and distribution.

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Video marketing how-to videos

Fancy swotting up on all things video? Check out our webinars and training events to help get your skills up to scratch

add some impact

How to make your marketing truly impactful

consistency wins

How to use consistent marketing to your advantage

the power of process

How to win back customers with a process video

red oceean scenario

How to navigate the Red Ocean Scenario

nail the comeback

How to execute a successful comeback

strategy ideas

3 marketing strategies you can use right now

managing risk

How to manage your business risk

the value of communication

The importance of communication in business

Let’s talk video

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“I like my maths… but I threw my ROI calculation away after the first week! 10x sales in the first week is pretty astounding, so we don’t even consider doing the ROI calculation on video any more. With Life Media UK, the results speak for themselves.”

Darlington Gono